穆斯林也能瘋媽祖 - Mazu's Pilgrimage for Muslims

· 4Muslims

瘋媽祖的4Muslims / Mazu's Pilgrimage for Muslims

Mazu's Pilgrimage for Muslims

A colleague from the travel industry inquired whether Muslim guests could participate in Mazu's pilgrimage activities to experience Taiwan's unique culture. The answer to this question hinges on four key considerations:

1. Personal Willingness

It is essential to ask and confirm with the guests if they are willing to partake in a religious event that attracts hundreds of thousands of participants. After all, the most attended religious gathering on Earth is the Hajj in Mecca, which sees participation from two to three million people. Therefore, confirming personal willingness is the first and foremost aspect to respect.

2. Cultural Perspective

Generally, it is acceptable to observe the culture influenced by the devotion of faith and the services provided to the faithful along the way. Explaining to our esteemed guests that there is no worship or religious belief involved from a cultural standpoint poses no issue. This rationale also applies to the appreciation of ancient temple carvings and architectural techniques. However, it is crucial to reiterate that personal confirmation is necessary, and arrangements should not be made without transparent information. Stories of loyalty and righteousness depicted on temple walls can be narrated, and guests can grasp the concept of prophets, emphasizing again that there is no worship or deification involved, as long as the guests understand and agree.

3. Offerings

One of the distinctive features of Mazu's pilgrimage is the food, drinks, and items provided to the faithful along the way. It is imperative to remember that items used in worship must never be offered to Muslim guests, and proactive measures should be taken to avoid contact. This point is of utmost importance. Additionally, basic Islamic dietary laws must be observed, including the avoidance of pork products, alcohol, and gelatin, which should be specifically noted and reminded to the guests.

4. Resources

Given the grand scale of Mazu's events, guests can be guided to walk a section of the route and observe the supply stations set up by local households. However, preparations for restrooms, prayer, and dining areas must be made in advance. The simplest approach is to utilize convenience stores for carry-on or vegetarian options, depending on the preferences of Muslim guests from various countries. In 2024, FamilyMart convenience stores have even introduced a variety of Muslim meals and counters, directly collaborating with FamilyMart in Malaysia, with ingredients air-freighted to Taiwan. In areas where it may be challenging to obtain food, these options can be considered. If needed, assistance can be sought from local mosques or MTAT (Muslim Tourism Association Taiwan). I believe that serving travelers is something everyone is willing to help with.






一般來說可以去看看信仰的虔誠影響而來的文化,看看沿途民眾提供信眾的服務,教親貴賓舉意上沒有膜拜與信仰,其實以文化的角度來看,都是沒有問題的,同理也一樣可以應用在古蹟宮廟的雕刻與建築工法,不過再次提醒,前提還是要教親個人的確認,不能利用資訊不透明貿然安排, 在解說的時候廟牆上多輔以忠孝節義的故事也能敘述 , 教親們也能接受先知這種概念 , 再次強調舉義上沒有膜拜或神格化, 在貴賓教親的了解並同意下 多數都是沒有問題的


媽祖參香進香的活動,一大特色是沿途提供給信眾的食物與飲料或物品,這邊要特別記得,祭祀過的物品,絕對絕對不可以提供給穆斯林教親,也要主動告知排除接觸,這一點非常重要,另外就是基本的教法教規還是要注意,除了豬製品 酒精還有明膠這些都要特別幫客人注意提醒。


由於媽祖的活動規模都非常盛大 , 可以帶領客人行走一段沿途看看民家設立的補給站等等, 但是還是要先預備好廁所 禮拜及用餐的地方 , 最簡單的方式是便利商店 隨身攜帶 或是 素食 , 端看各國的穆斯林教親人自己的喜愛 , 其中全家便利商店在2024年更提供了多樣的穆斯林餐點與專櫃 , 馬尚煮更是直接與馬來西亞的全家便利商店合作, 連材料都是空運來台的 , 也許在沒有辦法取得食物的地區 , 也可以嘗試看看 , 真的有需要也可以詢問各區清真寺 或詢問MTAT 提供協助 , 我相信服務旅人是大家都很願意幫忙的



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