• Dishes 餐盤計畫

    We visits every store in person & eat & getting fat

    塔吉摩洛哥料理(Tajin Moroccan Cuisine)是一家位於台北市大安區的正宗摩洛哥餐廳。餐廳由摩洛哥籍老闆兼主廚Hicham經營,使用天然地中海食材和摩洛哥香料,並且所有肉品都獲得...
    As a Muslim student studying in Taiwan, finding halal food options is always a priority. One of...
    Uncle Ma’s Bakery: A Halal Culinary Gem in Taipei Hey there, fellow traveler! If you're a...
    Fried Chicken Master 炸雞大獅西門店 推薦一下炸雞大獅西門店 , 要提到他有Halal 還有他的位置很棒 很靠近觀光必去的西門町 , 另外他所在的家樂福 也是鼎鼎有名為了...
    瑪莎拉印度餐廳板橋店 Masala Indian Restaurant Masala Indian Restaurant in Banqiao is located at No. 476,...
    清真魅力泰 Beautiful Thai 清真魅力泰位於新北市中和區中和路26巷3號,是本地穆斯林非常適合的餐廳。這裡專門提供清真泰國料理,環境舒適,裝潢充滿泰國風情,讓人彷彿置身於泰國街...
    清真印度餐廳-Halal Indian The Halal Indian Restaurant in Yonghe is located at 57 Zhongxing Street,...
    Kedai Sri Rahayu 在台北的這一天,我們決定前往中正紀念堂參觀。這座宏偉的紀念堂不僅是台北的地標之一,也是了解台灣歷史的重要場所。當我們抵達時,正好趕上了衛兵交接儀式。整個儀...
    蘆洲紅燒羊肉拉麵-LamboRamen 蘆洲紅燒羊肉拉麵是一家位於新北市淡水區的知名餐廳,專門提供紅燒羊肉拉麵。這家店以其滑順的紅燒湯底和秘制滷羊肉而聞名,吸引了許多食客前來品嚐。蘆洲紅燒羊...
    旺旺來亞洲咖哩屋Wang Wang Lai - Halal Food Wang Wang Lai Asian Curry House is located at No. 23, Huaxin...
      ThaiWang Muslim Thai Food Restaurant in a more casual tone. This restaurant is located at No....
    清真泰式廚房-Halal Thai Kitchen Halal Thai Kitchen is a cozy spot nestled in the Yonghe District of...
    登陸土星土耳其咖啡廳 Saturn Landing Turkish Cafe Saturn Landing Turkish Cafe is a delightful little haven...
    梅居休閒農場-MeiG Leisure Farm MeiG Leisure Farm is nestled in the scenic Yangmingshan area, offering...
    GUSTO PIZZA 酷斯多 GUSTO PIZZA, a Halal-certified pizzeria, stands as a culinary beacon...
    小小樹食-Little tree food Little tree food, a Michelin-recommended vegetarian restaurant in Taipei...
    辛藍印度料理-Indigo Indian Cuisine 作為一名專業的導遊,我有幸帶領許多穆斯林朋友在台灣旅遊。今天,我想向您推薦一家位於台北市內湖區的印度餐廳——辛藍印度料理。這家餐廳...
    番紅花土耳其餐廳 -Safranbolu Turkish Restaurant 當你來到台灣,作為一位穆斯林遊客,我強烈推薦番紅花土耳其餐廳。這家餐廳以其美味的土耳其料理和獨特的裝飾風格而聞...
    北平金廚蔬食料理 Beiping Golden Kitchen 北平金廚蔬食料理是一家專注於北方風味的素食餐廳,以其道地的口味和創新的菜色而聞名。這裡的菜單豐富多樣,包括了創新蔬食、養生蔬...
    如果您計劃來台灣旅遊,別忘了品嚐台灣美食的精髓之一——火鍋。在這裡,我們向您推薦鍋棧精緻養生鍋,這是一家與Muslim Tourism Association Taiwan (MTAT)合作的餐...