梅居休閒農場-MeiG Leisure Farm

Each season brings its unique charm

· Dishes餐盤計畫

梅居休閒農場-MeiG Leisure Farm

MeiG Leisure Farm is nestled in the scenic Yangmingshan area, offering a retreat from the urban bustle and a close encounter with nature. It serves not only as an excellent site for agricultural ecological education but also as a base for promoting sustainable and natural farming practices. The farm offers a variety of activities, including a plum vinegar DIY experience, allowing visitors to enjoy the fun of handcrafting.

The farm’s rural kitchen is certified as a Muslim-friendly restaurant, providing menu options that comply with Halal dietary standards. The farm’s cuisine is characterized by its creative vegetarian dishes, which allow diners to enjoy delicious food while appreciating the care for health and the environment

In spring, you can witness the blooming of Calla Lilies and Yellow Pouis across the farm

During summer, the farm is adorned with the blossoms of Hydrangeas and Tung Trees

In autumn, the beauty of Florist's Daisies and Sunflowers can be appreciated

During winter, Plum Blossoms and Cherry Blossoms grace the farm with their presence

These flowers not only add vibrant colors to the farm but also offer delightful flower viewing experiences for visitors. Each season brings its unique charm, making it a memorable visit every time

梅居休閒農場(MeiG Leisure Farm)位於風景如畫的陽明山區,提供一個遠離城市喧囂、親近自然的環境。這裡不僅是一個農業生態教育的好去處,也是一個推動永續農業和自然農法的實踐基地。農場內有多種活動,包括梅子醋DIY,讓遊客可以體驗手作的樂趣。


春天,您可以看到海芋(Calla Lily)和金針花(Yellow Poui)在農場內綻放。

夏季時,農場會有繡球花(Hydrangeas)和桐花(Tung Blossoms)盛開。

秋天,您可以欣賞到長壽菊(Florist's Daisy)和向日葵(Sunflower)的美麗。

冬季,梅花(Plum Blossoms)和櫻花(Cherry Blossoms)會在農場內開放。















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